Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI)
What is Vehicle Occupants Insurance?
Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) pays out the actual damage after an accident. This concerns both material damage and personal injury. The damage is determined in the same way as with motor third party liability insurance. Whoever is at fault for the accident does not matter towards the settlement of the claim.
The coverage of Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) is much more extensive than a Passenger Indemnity Insurance (OVI). The Vehicle Occupants Insurance is especially useful for policyholders who like to exclude risk as much as possible.
More extensive coverage than Passenger Indemnity Insurance (OVI)
Passengers can always claim damage from the motor third party liability insurance of the person who caused the accident; this can be the driver or a counterparty. The driver is not covered under the Dutch motor third party liability insurance if the driver himself causes the accident.
Vehicle Occupants Insurance is therefore an ideal safety-net insurance that can be taken out in addition to the motor third party liability insurance in connection with the additional cover for drivers who caused the accident themselves.
Higher Insured Limit
The maximum compensation paid out by Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) is considerably higher than with Passenger Indemnity Insurance (OVI). The insurer pays out a maximum of €1,000,000 per event.
“Combining local expertise and global thinking”
Who is this for?
The Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) of LMIS Global (Europe) B.V. has been specially developed for car leasing companies and fleet owners on a stand-alone basis. Car leasing companies and fleet owners are increasingly confronted with premium increases for motor third party liability insurance and are therefore seeking cost savings elsewhere: purchasing Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) on a stand-alone basis is one potential cost-saving option.
Lease customer expectations for more extensive coverage offered by Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) are increasing, which is why many car leasing companies and fleet owners are switching from Passenger Indemnity Insurance (OVI) to Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI). This is particularly the case within the rapidly growing Private Lease segment.
The Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) is suitable for car leasing companies that offer operational lease and private lease in respect of passenger cars and vans with a maximum gross vehicle weight up to 3,500 kg and a driver’s profile between the ages of 25 and 65.
Rental fleets are not considered to be a target group for Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI).
The Vehicle Occupants Insurance (SVI) is a safety-net insurance and therefore only applies if damage is not covered by another insurance.
The maximum insured amount per event for all insured vehicle occupants together is € 1,000,000.
What does it cover?
The sudden and unforeseen personal injury and property damage suffered by the insured (including the driver) as a result of a traffic accident if they are on an officially permitted seat in the designated area of the insured motor vehicle, get into or out of the insured motor vehicle, during an emergency repair, during first aid, or are in the immediate vicinity of the insured motor vehicle during refuelling, or during loading and unloading in or from the insured motor vehicle.
Property damage as a result of the damage, destruction or loss of personal belongings present in or on the insured motor vehicle
If an insured person has died in a traffic accident involving the insured motor vehicle, the reasonable funeral or cremation costs.
If an insured person dies as a result of a traffic accident, the insurer will compensate the affection loss of the direct next of kin.
A temporarily similar and equivalent replacement motor vehicle is equated with the insured motor vehicle for a maximum of 30 days during the replacement period.
What doesn’t it cover?
Damage to the vehicle itself
Damage that is covered under another insurance policy
Damage incurred whilst the motor vehicle is rented out or used for commercial passenger transport e.g. if a private car was used as a taxi.
Damage whilst the insured vehicle is being used for purposes other than those permitted by law.
Damage whilst the actual driver is not the holder of a valid driving license.
Damage caused whilst participating in a race or other speed race or competition.
Damage caused whilst the vehicle is seized
Damage whilst the vehicle is being driven outside the countries for which an International Insurance Card (Green Card) issued for the motor vehicle is valid.
What vehicles are excluded?
Trucks (+3,500 kg)
Rental cars
Security services
Armed forces
Police forces
Ambulance and Fire Services
Courier services
Driving schools

For more information, please contact us on:
Link to SVI Application form
Link to SVI IPID