Employee Work Accident Insurance
What is Employee Work Accident Insurance?
Employers are increasingly responsible for damage resulting from accidents involving employees which at first sight, are not directly related to their work.
With this insurance, the employer insures the damage of an employee that he or she has incurred as a result of an accident during working hours or during another activity on behalf of the company, even if this happened during commuting.
Why Employee Work Accident Insurance?
In the context of ‘being a good employer’, judges are increasingly holding employers responsible for damage suffered by employees due to accidents that occur in the workplace, including the loss of income of employees. A company’s general liability insurance policy does not always cover this.
The employee work accident insurance is a very affordable gap insurance policy with worldwide coverage that complements a company’s general liability insurance policy.
Who is insured?
Employees of your company (also trainees, volunteers, homeworkers)
Subordinates of the company such as temporary workers, seconded workers, agency workers and on-call workers.
When are you insured?
Employees are insured in the event of an accident for which the employer is not liable. If the employer is liable for the accident, the company’s general liability insurance policy will provide coverage.
The accident must take place during:
The performance of work and activities for the company.
Other activities related to the company, such as company outings and company events, company training or business travel.
Commuter traffic.
What is insured?
The insurance offers employees very extensive coverage for company related accidents.
Covers temporary disability.
Liability does not have to be demonstrated to claim from the employee work accident insurance policy.
If it is not clear whether the loss falls under the company’s general liability insurance policy or employee work accident insurance policy, then the employee work accident insurance policy will cover the damage.
Wide circle of insured persons: employees, seconded persons, temporary workers, on-call workers, homeworkers, freelancers, interns and volunteers.
Good to know
As an employer, you must comply with the safety and care obligation. If you violate these, you are not insured.
Injury or damage to the health of employees is also insured.
Compensation may be limited if the insured does not comply with obligations. (e.g., wearing a helmet or seat belt).
By taking out employee work accident insurance, other safety-net insurance policies (in the Netherlands), such as WEGAS, WEGAM and WBM, become redundant in that sense.

For more information, please contact us on:
Link to WSV Application form
Link to WSV Product Information