Cargo Insurance
Cargo insurance covers the loss, damage or theft of commodities whilst in transit between the point of origin until it reaches its final destination. This can include not only goods to be shipped via the ocean but also goods to be shipped via air, truck or rail, including international, domestic or inland transit, warehouse coverage and more.
Our underwriting team can offer solutions tailored to the size and complexity of your unique exposure for cargo risks, either annual policies or for single shipments. The typical coverage offered will be for cargo physical loss or damage whilst in transit by air, land or sea for importers, exporters and manufacturers, with geographical coverage on a worldwide basis.
Coverage includes but is not limited to:
General Cargo
Machinery & Equipment
Project Cargo
War on Land
Freight Forwarders
Focusing on but not limited to the following commodity types on a worldwide basis:
General Cargo
Coal / Gas / Oil
Metals (non-precious)
Arms and Ammunition
Military Equipment
Typical limits area up to USD/EUR 5,000,000 per shipment or policy.
We are here to help you.